Monday, May 13, 2019

New Cover!

Coming soon - 
Very Arrogant Bastard

Arrogance cannot fool a lonely heart.

Tegan Wild’s company ran smoothly even when he was absent for days at a time. He surrounded himself with capable employees he allowed space to do their jobs because he discovered years ago he could be a micromanaging jackass. He struggled with that trait daily and did well until he visited a site build and watched an agile sign installer swing effortlessly from two floors above.

Payne Sheridan was close to losing an apartment he never should have leased until he received a promotion. As regional installation manager at a graphics firm, he could wear suits instead of jeans and a toolbelt. He behaved self-importantly but shrugged it off as he needed to prove he was capable to a new supervisor, and his boss, a man Payne had yet to meet. Little did Payne know meeting Tegan Wild would smash his quiet life to smithereens.

Tags: #contemporary, #dubcon, #gay, #masturbation, #roughsex, #violence

Growl and roar-it's okay to let the beast out. - J. Hali Steele

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Nothing Left of Me

Nothing Left of Me

Pre-order.99ȼSpecial Price.99ȼ

Beauty is not fleeting when worn by an immortal.

An erotic liaison between two men will leave humans vulnerable to blood thirsty monsters!

Brax Sevan oversees immortals populating earth; wily creatures humans ridiculously explain away with childish tales of boogeymen. He ensures annihilation of beasts who become careless and those who defiantly flaunt his rules. Curiosity as much as outrage sends him to delve into why one of his was killed by another vampire. What Brax finds sways steadfast objectivity, strips him of calm reserve and aloofness honed over many lifetimes. The guilty individual starts a fire that will not be suppressed and what Brax does next may cost his powerful position.

Cador Ridge spent hundreds of years as a consort to emperors, kings, powerful men from every walk of life, but he bows to no one. Then or now. His existence, though hard and sometimes rife with loneliness, is tolerable until another like him dies at Cador’s hand. Running was useless as there is no place to hide from their self-appointed leader whom he has managed to avoid for centuries. He didn’t expect Lord Vampire himself to pay a personal visit nor did Cador believe the contemptuous bastard would steal everything—but his life!

Contains: #death, #dirtytalk, #dubcon, #gay, #horror, #mystery, #religerotica, #roughsex, #vampire, #voyeurism

Vine wanted this assignment too badly. Rising, Brax crossed the floor. “You’ll be needed here.” He reached the door and twisted, “Have someone repair my desk before I return.”
“You’re seriously leaving me behind to have a desk refinished?” Lips curled. “A shiny piece of wood that if I remember correctly, my uncle gifted you.” Vine flew from the chair. Artwork shook, one painting hit the floor sending glass flying, when his broad back banged into the wall and slowly slid upward before Brax released the spell allowing Vine’s body to slam to the floor. “Fuck.” He used his sleeve to wipe liquid pouring from his nose. Angry, Brax had opened pinpricks in Vine’s brain that copiously leaked. “That was uncalled for.”
“You ever withhold information from me again, you’ll become a fixture on that wall.”
“I had no interest in what piece of ass Leopold plundered nightly.” Gaining his feet, Vine grunted, “Surely didn’t know the fucker retained so much skill.”
“Now you know.” Vine’s last statement was genuine. “Having the Picasso reframed gives you another reason to stay.” Brax pivoted and strode down the hallway of Sevan Lakes. At six foot four, over two hundred and forty pounds, he not only resembled the creature responsible for his being, Brax was well aware he was an imposing motherfucker and right now, anger sent waves of dread toward everyone he approached forcing them to plaster their backs against a wall as he passed. Those seated pretended to peruse something on their desks. None dared make eye contact as each ascertained a fire brewed in gray eyes that would scorch their souls. He could vanish instantly, take the form of any beast, living or dead. Wasn’t going to give employees that satisfaction. Brax wished for each individual to feel heat from his indignation, learn from it. A blink of his eyes and anyone present might go up in flames and he didn’t give a shit right now.
A very strong vampire had been slain by a goddamn consort. The bastard’s true name whispered past Brax’s lips—
“Cador Ridge.”

Growl and roar–it’s okay to let the beast out. J. Hali Steele